‘No Friends? Blame the Traffic’ – Research
We encourage streets to be a more social space. This is partly because traffic and parked cars have a deadening effect on community relations in our streets.
This has been recently confirmed with research in 2008 that shows that friendships on busy traffic streets are cut by more than 75%. This is explained in more detail below.
People living on streets with heavy motor vehicle traffic are experiencing a considerable deterioration of their local social lives, according to Joshua Hart, a researcher from the University of the West of England that we supported. The results show that residents on busy streets have less than one quarter the number of local friends compared to those living on similar streets with little traffic.
The study looked at three streets in north Bristol with light, medium and heavy traffic respectively. It found that motor traffic, which has grown more than tenfold in the UK since 1951, has a considerable negative impact on quality of life, particularly for residents living beside heavy motor traffic flows. Traffic is like a mountain range, cutting you off said one man on the heavy traffic street, Muller Road, where over 20,000 cars drive by his house every day.
Interviews with residents indicate that growing motor traffic has forced people to make major adjustments in their lives, to shield against the nearly constant noise, pollution, dust and danger outside their front doors. Many residents revealed that they experience sleep disturbances, no longer spend time in the front of their homes, and curtail the independence of their children in response to motor traffic. Our 4-year-old girl has a constant cough and we limit the amount of time she spends outsidewere constantly breathing in pollution, said one father.
This research, carried out as part of a Transport Planning MSc, confirms for the first time in the UK the results of a 1969 San Francisco study by Professor Donald Appleyard, who also found deterioration of community on busy streets.
With an additional 5.7 million cars expected on the UKs roads by 2031 (a growth of 21%)3, these findings point to an urgent need for the Government to provide healthy residential environments and stem traffic growth by investing in public transport, walking and cycling in order to avoid many more local communities being impacted. Joshua Hart concludes, This study shows that the deterioration of neighbouring in this country may well be down to our own travel habits. We created this problem, and now we have a responsibility to solve it.
For more information download the leaflet about the research or download the full report.