The big street party weekend as a national tradition
About 1/2 million people took part in 5000 street parties on the weekend of the Queen’s 90th Birthday weekend 11/12th June. This number is based on feedback from enquiries and activity on this website, as there is no reliable numbers from across all council areas in the country.
This is part of the long tradition since 1919 of neighbours’ gettogethers for royal and national events, which is unique to Britain.
See our Residents’ Guide which focuses on small events.
It is Streets Alive’s views that such events should not need insurance or be charged by councils for a temporary road closure. And Bunting is practically compulsory!
You can also have a less formal street meet without a road closure on a parking area, garden or private land.
Residents should note the difference between private residents’ street parties, which need little paperwork nor a licence, and public community events which need more planning according to their scale. See Government advice on larger events.
But street parties are for life not just for national events.
Bristol residents hold 100 street parties each year and is the street party capital of the country. Some other hot spots are Brighton, Oxford and Streatham in London.
Streets Alive also encourages such events as part of our Age Friendly Streets campaign to promote friendly communities in our ageing society.